Though it is common notion that sounds or noise enter through the ear canal, it has other aspects too. They point out both hearing loss and tinnitus or a continuous ringing feeling in the ears.

Damage Caused by the Defective Combat Arms Earplugs Manufactured by 3MĬBS gives the details of the damages caused by the defective combat arms earplugs reported by the service members. The veterans and their advocates were enraged by this and also by the penalty that is considered to be slightly more than the proverbial slap. The company was not needed to admit to any liability as a part of their settlement with the DOJ. It was claimed that the company was aware of the fact that the earplugs were defective and failed to fit in the ear canals perfectly owing to design defects the result to which will be the earplugs coming loose without the knowledge of the users. The original lawsuit was brought against the 3M by a former employee on behalf of the US government under the False Claims Act. The toggling is determined by the side of the earplug that is inserted into the ear-Yellow for Weapons Fire mode and Green for Constant Protection mode. Closed/Constant Protection – This is the mode more like a traditional earplug, meant for complete protection from extremely loud noises such as soldiers operating in track vehicles, regular training or when exposed to aircraft engines or motors.Open/Weapons Fire – This is the mode that is allows to hear speech and communication but protects any damage while working with firearms and explosives.By toggling with the use of an “in-ear switching mechanism”, the CAEv2 offered two different modes of operation: Demanding the authenticity of their product, 3M affirms that the latest version of the earplugs designated as CAEv2 has been developed to fit the ear canals of 98% adults and they are also adjustable. In 2007, 3M took over the company called Aero Technologies that originally used to design and develop the Combat Arms Earplugs.

Version 2, Dual-Ended Defective Combat Arms Earplugs Presently, they are facing lawsuits of injury brought about by the veterans who are now victim to permanent hearing loss and tinnitus as a result of the products that they claim to be defective and poorly designed by the company. However, the settlement of the whistleblower claims has failed to shield them from the individual lawsuits. To evade the whistleblower allegations of selling defective earplugs to the Defense Department, the Minnesota based company went for a settlement of £ 9.1 million to the US Department of Justice in July, 2018. Veterans in US suffer hearing loss and files lawsuits against the defective Combat Arms earplugs provided by the 3M Corporation to the US military.